How dare she insult my integrity and try to pry into the secret I admittedly am keeping? If I didn’t have more self-control I might have dropped my glove right then and there at her feet to challenge her to a duel. But that would have revealed…
Sigh. I feel so… so empty, like an empty shell who… Oh, right. Ha-ha, I see what I did there. Empty shell. Very funny.
When Caroline encounters a lone boy in her street, she takes it upon herself to investigate and help return him to his family – but this is just the tip of the iceberg…
Now things are different. Those laws be damned. These humans want us subdued and enslaved. They want us to forget everything every time. Well we’re going to give them a reckoning they’ll never forget. And believe me, even if we wipe most of them out, we will never let them forget it.
So yeah, long story short, I’m a boring guy. Bland vanilla. 08:15 on the dot. Boring and unable to change. But I think I might know how I can get a bit of adventure without taking any risk. Hence the secret.
Uh-oh, looks like this is one of those days… It’s already bad enough to have dissociative personality disorder, but when on top of that it’s coupled with teleportation abilities, it gets downright dangerous. And today she’s relapsing.
Mike had ended up alone, his family stripped from him by ridiculous accidents. A little voice had started in his head then, an unwanted, unbidden, unprovable, ridiculous rationalization of the events, a kind of conspiracy theory in his mind, a budding paranoia that someone was after him and his family. He knew it wasn’t likely to be remotely true, and that coincidences happen, but even so, somehow he’d found it comforting, in a way.
So when he’d nearly missed blending into the red paint on the grille of that truck, he had hatched his plan.
Be careful what you share. Information is a powerful thing.
“In those moments I realize how powerful a thing it is to be able to inspire this much trust. I become their confidant in no time flat, and they end up spilling everything out to me. Well, I’m sure it’s not everything. But sometimes it really feels like everything. And all this information is stuff I have the potential to use in awful ways.”
After a year looking for another job, and six months trying to settle outside Spain, I’ve finally made progress on both fronts. Also, I’m on YouTube now. Life’s looking up!
This is a story designed and intended to challenge our assumptions and try to help us see things from different perspectives, something it seems we have a very hard time doing in general, not just with regards to wildlife but also – and more critically, I believe – with regards to how we humans interact with one another. The following was recorded yesterday in the 1-2 kHz band by a top secret whale observatory off the coast of Baja California. It is thought to have emanated from somewhere between Isla Cedros and Bahía Tortugas. Doppler shift analysis of the transmission… Read more: Marine Perspective
A poet with a Heart of Gold I met Dlvan three years ago in a Facebook writers’ group, before either of us had published anything. Before I detail how we met, I do need to establish a little bit of context. I’d already written a few chapters of a novel project that I have, but I’d also started planning another, rather different kind of “novel”, one that I felt would benefit from having a variety of points of view and contributors (I won’t detail why here, as it would spoil a fair bit of the concept of that book.) Anyway,… Read more: Dlvan Zirak
After reading “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams, one has to wonder how nobody was able to do anything when Earth was doomed… Here’s the answer!
When new logistics concerns came and interfered with my plans, I needed a backup solution. Meanwhile, I took on a writing challenge and learned valuable lessons from it.
Travel, Poetry and Introspection They say that bonds forged in the fires of adversity are among the strongest in the world. That’s definitely true of my friendship with Filipa. We met while living together in a shared apartment in Lisbon, Portugal that was a hot mess of a place, you know, the kind nightmares are made of – only without the actual gore. From messy housemates to crazy housemates to a nutcase landlord to a single fridge for 7 that never worked right, we had a lot to put up with, and… well, you can imagine… It was a mess.… Read more: Filipa Santos Sousa
Life Back to Normal (Kind Of) Wow. It’s sure been a strange few months, hasn’t it? First we were all locked into our homes to avoid this annoying virus spreading. Then little by very little we were able to open up again, go out and get our lives back. In Madrid things opened up fairly slowly, even compared with the rest of Spain. But now it’s supposed to be back to what they call the “new normal”. However, clearly something’s up because Barcelona first, now Madrid have had to reimplement some extra measures in order to avoid having to resort… Read more: August 20th, 2020
Over the past couple of months I’ve been mostly on lockdown at home, hardly going out at all. But that hasn’t stopped me from going into a relapse of my earlier depression. On the plus side though, I got inspired to write about learning languages!
Curing or preventing language trauma isn’t just about setting a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, it’s also about helping the student work on the language in the most effective way possible.
Learning a language is an eminently practical exercise. Find out a simpler, much more manageable approach to languages, as well as convenient tips on how best to practice them.
An exploration of social perceptions of beauty and its impact on reputation, from the point of view of a fictional character well placed to speak of it.
I love the authenticity of this post! Authenticity rocks. Proud of you dear friend.
Thanks! 🙂 That’s the aim in this news category 🙂
I really like the layout of this page. It’s eye-catching and different.
Thanks! 🙂