Bookshelfie Shtick

Where my readings graduate from Kindlegarten and take shelfies in my mind for all the world to see…

This part is where I recommend authors and other creators whose work I like or want to promote, post reviews of their work, etc.

  • Dlvan Zirak
    A poet with a Heart of Gold I met Dlvan three years ago in a Facebook writers’ group, before either of us had published anything. Before I detail how we met, I do need to establish a little bit of context. I’d already written a few chapters of a novel project that I have, but I’d also started planning another, rather different kind of “novel”, one that I felt would benefit from having a variety of points of view and contributors (I won’t detail why here, as it would spoil a fair bit of the concept of that book.) Anyway,… Read more: Dlvan Zirak
  • Filipa Santos Sousa
    Travel, Poetry and Introspection They say that bonds forged in the fires of adversity are among the strongest in the world. That’s definitely true of my friendship with Filipa. We met while living together in a shared apartment in Lisbon, Portugal that was a hot mess of a place, you know, the kind nightmares are made of – only without the actual gore. From messy housemates to crazy housemates to a nutcase landlord to a single fridge for 7 that never worked right, we had a lot to put up with, and… well, you can imagine… It was a mess.… Read more: Filipa Santos Sousa
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